Hope Nominations

Fall 2024



If you are ready to submit a nomination, click the button below.

If you are here to read Marshall’s articles about the qualifications and roles of elders, deacons, and deaconesses, please scroll down.


For many of us, the officer nomination process is a new one. It’s unfamiliar territory.

For many of us, the nomination process is unappetizing. It seems formal and awkward. We came to the church because we connected with Jesus and other people. We did not come to be a part of an institution. That makes sense to me. It’s very normal to resist things that are new and unappetizing. Think about food. Most of us have some degree of fear about trying new foods or giving foods we didn’t like in the past a second chance. Yet, if you stick to your fifth grade pallet, you will miss out on some wonderful flavors.

Jesus acknowledged the institutional nature of the church in Matthew 16.19 (among other places) where he said, “I will give you (the apostles) the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” When Jesus ascended back to heaven, he ruled his church through the twelve disciples who became apostles. The apostles had the keys (even though they were broken and sinful) and they passed those keys down to pastors and elders. Then, the early church had deacons and various women assisting the elders. That’s what has been going on for 2000+ years.

The relationships that we have with one another are important. There are lots of churches that are only institutions and not much of a family and I wouldn’t want to be at those churches and you shouldn’t either. But, for our church to function as God would intend, we need to maintain some institutional practices in order for our relationships to remain rich. Nominating elders, deacons, and deaconesses is one such practice.

The articles I’ve written cover the topics of 1,) the qualifications of an officer (family life and theology), 2.) the jobs of an officer, and 3.) women in ministry. Please click the links below to view these articles.

Because of the gospel,
