Day 23
Call to Prayer
God, you are the Good Shepherd, who is always drawing me in. Help me to surrender. To listen. To know You. Set my affections on Christ. Amen.
Psalm 86:9–13
All the nations you have made shall come
and worship before you, O Lord,
and shall glorify your name.
For you are great and do wondrous things;
you alone are God.
Teach me your way, O LORD,
that I may walk in your truth;
unite my heart to fear your name.
I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart,
and I will glorify your name forever.
For great is your steadfast love toward me;
you have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.
Read Acts 8:26-40
Prayer of Response
Lord, give us the eagerness of the Ethiopian and the wisdom and boldness of Philip. Place people in our lives that do not know where to turn and give us words of redemption to speak into their condition. Create space for these kinds of interactions. Have mercy on us, in the name of Jesus, amen.
Prayers of Supplication
For the neighbors on my street.
For opportunities to share the gospel with people.
For churches in Lexington to faithfully proclaim Christ.
For Southland neighborhood