The “Sacrificially Committed” theme came from the input received after the congregational survey and meeting in April 2023. Together, the staff, elders, deacons, and deaconess reviewed the data and made a plan.

This theme is tough for these reasons:

  • We have lots of first generation Christians or churchgoers attending Hope

  • There is so much skepticism around the institution of a church and usually for good reason…we’ve seen awful things in the news or in our actual lives

  • People are busy…we have people going back to school, we have time consuming careers, we have young families with very little time margins between work and caring for small children

All of these things are understandable.

Yet, it feels like our consumerism is lurking around the corner. Many of us have come to Hope because we get something out of it - community, music, preferred worship time, etc. Many of us have experienced God through others at Hope and now we want your help in allowing God to use you. We are looking for our congregation to put the vision of all souls in and around downtown Lexington to flourish in a community that is rooted in Jesus Christ, compelled by His gospel, and strives for a more beautiful and just city above your personal interests, power, perks, by sacrificially committing to each other, our children, and our city.


 Sacrificially Committing to Each Other


Here are a number of ways to sacrificially commit to those who attend Hope:

  • Bring the main course to your Neighborhood Group

  • Provide a meal for new parents
    » Meal Train

  • Join the Greeting Team for Sunday worship
    » Email Frances

  • Serve on a committee:

  • Volunteer on the music and AV team for Sunday worship
    » Email Justin

  • Pick up trash around the building on Sunday mornings before worship
    » Email Frances


  Sacrificially Committing to Our Children


Here are several ways to sacrificially commit to the children of our church:


 Sacrificially Committing to Our City


Here are several ways to meet the felt needs of those in our neighborhood and our city: