Officer Nomination
The leadership of our church is looking to add both deacons and elders for TCPC Downtown. This is very exciting because we think there are some who God is calling to these important roles! The first step in this process is for the members to nominate candidates.
Who is eligible to be nominated?
Males who are 21 or older, have been members in good standing for at least one year, who meet the qualifications set forth in Scripture (Titus 1:5-16 and 1 Timothy 3), and are committed to the Downtown campus.
Please click the link below to read more about the qualifications for becoming an officer:
What happens after I nominate someone?
The Session must approve all nominees for consideration. Then, an Ad Hoc Officer Nominating Committee will review nomination information and will submit recommended nominees to the Session.
All approved nominees will complete a course of study and training conducted by the pastor(s) and Session. Nominees that complete training will then enter a pool of qualified candidates. The Session will decide on the number of ruling elders and deacons to be presented to the congregation for election. The Session will examine nominees for the office of ruling elder and deacon in accordance with the Book of Church Order. A majority vote of the Session is required for a nominee to be placed on the ballot.
Finally, a majority vote of communicant members present at the time of election at a congregational meeting is required for a nominee to be elected.
How do I nominate someone?
Nominations are currently closed.