Officer Bios
Candidate for Deacon
Ben works as a Director of Photography at Slingshot Video. He’s married to Kellie and has a one year old daughter named Lucy June. He started coming to Hope in 2018 and became a member in 2020. Him and Kellie have been neighborhood group leaders for three years. He’s eager to serve Hope and cultivate in it the same spiritual growth, fellowship, and dependence on grace that he has been blessed by over the past few years.
Candidate for Deaconess
Hope has been home to Rachel since the first weekend she moved back to her hometown in the fall of 2015.
Born and raised here, she spent her 20s rambling around the country for jobs in music and in nonprofits and eventually accepted that Lexington is a really great place to root. Rachel found her professional stride in marketing, and currently works as a Creative Director for a global housewares company.
To Rachel, the Hope church family is a real family and she has treasured her time serving as a neighborhood group leader for years and planning women’s events and retreats in the early years of the church. And much like those early years at Hope helping figure things out, Rachel is honored and excited to be put forth as the first deaconess, giving what she has to offer the church, with open hands.