2023 Advent Resources

Fleming Rutledge writes, “In a very deep sense, the entire Christian life in this world is lived in Advent, between the first and second comings of the Lord, in the midst of the tension between things the way they are and things the way they ought to be.”

This is a season of slowing down, of recovering rhythms that live in this tension with a posture of joy. And we hope these resources will help, creating space to read scripture and reflect on its implications in our daily lives.

Every Moment Holy’s Advent Journal is a free weekly Advent devotional that includes a visual way of memorizing scripture.

Daily Prayer Project (DPP) offers a liturgical Advent devotional that includes morning and evening prayer, songs, art, and spiritual practices. DPP also includes ways to engage the entire family in the liturgy. The digital copy is only $6.99 and a print + digital copy is $18.00.